Glyphs Reflection

The thing that surprised me the most after comparing the glyphs I made my first year and last week were how similar they were. I was surprised that my views on leadership had not changed very much after learning many things in OT school. Both pictures had a square head which means I believed and still believe that leadership can change and develop over time. This mostly stems from my leadership position with RKSTC, as I feel like I am not naturally a leader but have developed skills over time to make successful in my leadership role. One thing that changed was my eye shape. This shows that I originally believed that the majority of OTs are leaders but I now believe there are a fairly equal number of leaders and non-leaders. This belief stems from my fieldwork experiences. I believe you can either go the extra mile for patient care and be a leader or you can just do the minimum in your job and be a non-leader. The number of eyelashes on each of my glyphs were the same. I remembered 4/5 of my strength finders assessment characteristics: woo, beliefs, connections, and communication. Based on the eyebrows that I drew, I have a consistent belief that I am much more of a "behind the scenes" leader as compared to being an "out in front" leader. I tend to make a difference in the little ways that may be less noticeable to many people instead of being assertive in front of a large group of people. Based on the shape of the nose I drew in both pictures, I believe that people can be a leader without acknowledging that they are a leader. I believe that many actions demonstrate leadership qualities without thinking to myself, "I am going to be a leader, therefore I am going to do these things...". In both pictures I drew freckles which means that I believe both then and now that self-awareness is vital to being a good leader. I think it is essential to know your strengths and weakness in order to be a good leader so that you can fill in the gaps that you struggle with. In both pictures I drew a mouth which means that I can think of at least one leader who has had a positive impact on my life. I can actually think of numerous leaders including OTs I have shadowed and done fieldwork with, family members, teachers, and friends. Based on the pictures, I also believed both then and now that technology can be a great aid in leadership. For example, keeping organized using technology can be one way to increase leadership skills (GroupMe, Google docs, etc.).The way I drew my hair in both pictures is also very similar. This means that I have a lasting belief that both organization and creativity are equally important regarding leadership. I also have a lasting belief that introverts can definitely be great leaders. Leadership is not just about being loud and outgoing. I saw myself then and now as a leader in different ways. I wasn't in a leadership position at the start of school but felt that my actions and words in other ways made myself stand out as a leader. I also feel like my leadership views have changed since starting OT school: when we did the first glyph and when we did the second glyph. I have learned that meek, introverts, and non-assertive people can be leaders in non-traditional ways. While I have not yet written a goal about working on my leadership skills, I believe this could be beneficial for me as I approach the start of Level 2 fieldwork and starting my first OT job after that! Overall, my glyphs did not change very much, and I believe that there are many statements of leadership that I will continue to hold fast to as I progress in my OT career.


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