Life Balance Model
I chose to look into the Life Balance Model developed by Kathleen Matuska. This would fall under an occupational therapy model of practice (MoP). The idea behind this model is that life balance can be achieved when an individual participates in activities that are meeting their basic physical needs, that are rewarding and include self-affirming relationships with other people, are engaging, challenging, and make the individual feel competent, and establish meaning and identity to that individual. This is all included in the individual's context and environment. This model is applicable for all populations (all ages and all disabilities, or no disability). "Functional" according to this theory would be that an individual does participate in activities in their daily life that allow them to have life balance (according to the aspects of life balance listed above). An occupational therapist could measure stress or life satisfaction (using a questionnaire) because the theory states that life balance is directly related to both stress and life satisfaction. Congruence is involved with this theory which means the actual versus desired time spent on an activity which leads to achieved goals and renewal. Equivalence is also a key term in this theory which means the time spent on activities that involve the dimensions of health, relationships, challenge, and identity. The theory also talks about activity configurations which can vary from person to person depending on what is important, challenging, and rewarding for them.
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