Learning Adventure

     One activity that I chose that really made me think was the TED Talk by Michael Nesmith in regards to the concept of universal design. His main point was encouraging everyone to use and push forward this concept of "universal design" which he defined as "the design of products and environments to be useable by all people, to the greatest extent possible, without the need for adaptation or specialized design". This concept is so relevant to me as a future occupational therapist where our mindset is not on the disability but on people as a whole. Occupational therapists seek to eliminate barriers to allow people to live the life they desire including participating in any activity they may enjoy.
     Additionally I listened to the "Au-Some Swimmers" podcast which was very interesting! I have never really thought about the large need of the role of OTs in helping children on the autism spectrum learn how to swim. I liked how they addressed the need of a log within a swim program to document each lesson along with the child's likes and dislikes as documentation is a vital part of occupational therapy. I also liked how the OT students created an informative PowerPoint for the lifeguards to look through before starting to teach the kids how to swim. I think we should always strive to educate as many people as possible to increase the quality of care that is being shown to different individuals.


  1. I love how you connected the idea of universal design and even how OTs can help others break down those barriers our clients! Also, I didn't get the chance to listen to the "Au-Some Swimmers" podcast so it was nice to learn something new and hear your perspective! :)

  2. I loved the Ted Talk also! I feel that universal design is huge in our field. I listened to the podcast on ADHD, but I definitely want to listen to the Au-Some Swimmers now! I've never really thought of OTs doing aquatherapy. That would be an awesome thing to experience.

  3. I also loved the TED talk! As aspiring OTs, it is important for us to consider universal design and how this will continue to advance in the coming years. I did not get the chance to listen to the podcast you did, but I really liked that they made the sessions tailored to the children and paid attention to their likes and dislikes! Great blog post!


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